Adult Aikido Classes
Key Benefits

Improve Relationships
Martial Arts are fundamentally the study of peaceful conflict resolution.
Image Gallery
If you are interested in Aikido, join the dojo whose advanced lineage most closely replicates the methods of the Aikido founder.
Photo: Courtesy Matthew Salacuse
- Why Aikido
Aikido is a Distinct Martial Art
- Learn to control an attacker without harm.
- Circular movements to evade multiple attackers.
- Using the opponents force against them.
- No competition - gradual increase in resistance.
- Why Iwama Aikido
Why Iwama Aikido?
- Strong emphasis on basics with gradual progression to most advanced practice
- Iwama Aikido developed by one of top three students of Aikido Founder
- The only style with complete weapons system taught by the Aikido Founder.
How is Iwama Aikido Different?
Uses same training methods as Aikido FounderWhy are Weapons so Important?
Advanced Aikido training- Daily Training
Training Snippets
Aikido Training Snippets...
Broad sample of Aikido in the dojo- Seminars
Why are Seminars so Important?
A key component of our training are seminars home and away with some of the best instructors in the US. Both on and off the mats, dojo members get to know top instructors and see how Aikido has positively affected their character.
Past Seminars: Updated 6/2019
Travel Team: May 2019 Japan Trip For roughly 2 weeks, five dojo members traveled with Larson Sensei to train at Hombu dojo in Tokyo, demonstrate representing the US in the All Japan Aikido Demo, train in the founder's dojo in Iwama, among others...
Home Team: May 2019 Goto Sensei Travel Team: Mar 2019 Minn Larson Sensei Travel Team: Oct 2018 Winnipeg Larson Sensei Home Team: Sept 2018 Larson Sensei Our first international seminar with visitors from Denmark, Winnipeg (Manitoba Canada), Nevada, Minnesota, Tennessee, Florida
Plus seven blackbelt tests
Travel Team: May 2018 Lake Tahoe Home Team: 2018 Kim Peuser Sensei Travel Team: Minnesota 2018 Larson Sensei Travel Team: Dallas 2018 Larson Sensei In the interest of brevity, we only keep a couple of years and/or some key events in this tab.
- Nature of Martial Arts Training
The Nature of Martial Arts Training
Imagine a customer walks up to the counter in a drugstore and asks, "I would like to buy some peace of mind. What isle do you have that on?"
Martial arts training, to be most effective, is about developing peace of mind in the most difficult of circumstances. As everyone knows, peace of mind cannot be found in a bottle. It can only be found in you. But finding it takes effort.
Sabrina (Mid 20's)
Starting anything can be very intimidating, especially a martial art. I had never done a martial art before but I realized it's more than just a fitness class. This martial art teaches you situational awareness. It shows you no matter how long you practice you are still learning. It teaches you respect for other people because you learn to blend with them and eventually anticipate their next move or possibly learn their intentions. The cross training of tai chi and aikido has helped me strengthen my body and root myself to the ground.
Jason (Mid 40's)
The benefits of training in Aikido go far beyond being able to defend yourself. It is an ideal martial art if you're looking for individual improvement and a sense of internal and external balance. One of the great aspects of Still Mind Aikido is the collaborative spirit, and the incredible support given while learning the techniques from Sensei and fellow students in the dojo...I have made life long friends, here and abroad, have travelled the country training in other dojo’s and experiencing other teachers, and have learned more about myself and about how to manage the difficult situations of life. Aikido has practical applications in my regular work day, in raising my children, and even in being a volunteer firefighter...
Rick (Age 50)
...Starting my 29th year in my law enforcement career I can say that it has helped me to deal with some of the stress associated with this type work. Dealing with the public and department brass is stressful. I have learned that Aikido is not only for self-defense in the physical environment but also offense when dealing with different co-workers, bosses, who sometimes create stress onto others...
- Why Aikido

Sabrina (Mid 20's)
Starting anything can be very intimidating, especially a martial art. I had never done a martial art before but I realized it's more than just a fitness class. This martial art teaches you situational awareness. It shows you no matter how long you practice you are still learning. It teaches you respect for other people because you learn to blend with them and eventually anticipate their next move or possibly learn their intentions. The cross training of tai chi and aikido has helped me strengthen my body and root myself to the ground.

Jason (Mid 40's)
The benefits of training in Aikido go far beyond being able to defend yourself. It is an ideal martial art if you're looking for individual improvement and a sense of internal and external balance. One of the great aspects of Still Mind Aikido is the collaborative spirit, and the incredible support given while learning the techniques from Sensei and fellow students in the dojo...I have made life long friends, here and abroad, have travelled the country training in other dojo’s and experiencing other teachers, and have learned more about myself and about how to manage the difficult situations of life. Aikido has practical applications in my regular work day, in raising my children, and even in being a volunteer firefighter...

Rick (Age 50)
...Starting my 29th year in my law enforcement career I can say that it has helped me to deal with some of the stress associated with this type work. Dealing with the public and department brass is stressful. I have learned that Aikido is not only for self-defense in the physical environment but also offense when dealing with different co-workers, bosses, who sometimes create stress onto others...
Drilling Down: How it Works

Self Defense Goals
Health / Fitness Goals
Self Defense Learn More
Ultimately, self defense comes from understanding the underlying principles of Aikido with reflexive responses in the techniques from extensive practice. The curriculum is designed to bring the student there step by step over time. We study 250 basic techniques over 5 - 6 years to achieve a first degree black belt in technique. Study alternates between building a practice and intensive focus on key techniques for an exam. Principles are explained ad hoc during classes and enhanced periodically through seminars with world class instructors. Ultimately students can begin to train to teach Aikido themselves. More information on the practice is given below.
Fitness / Health Learn More
One key aspect to improving fitness and health in Aikido is to train in a relaxed manner. The legs are engaged powerfully at all times while the upper body is often relaxed. This approach improves health as well as fitness in general. As a result, leg strength is gained throughout the practice. Arm strength develops through training in weapons. Cardio vascular improvement and core strength take place through taking falls. The dojo is not focused on developing olympic athletes. Practice is designed to start where you are and build up your capacity, so people with injuries or who are not fit may begin as well. Ultimately, the degree of fitness in any given class will depend upon your proficiency, as greater proficiency allows for more intense training.

Discipline Learn More
When one searches to improve their focus, concentration, confidence, sense of peace and happiness in life, etc., Aikido is a complete practice. This discipline infuses and enhances the self defense and health / fitness aspects of the practice. This subject is discussed in class only when related questions arise. Our dojo is also fortunate to have access to some very senior instructors with excellent understanding and ability to teach. Spending time and interacting with these teachers can help the student better understand the impact of Aikido on their character and lifestyle in our culture. Ultimately, the practice culminates with the ability to respond reflexively to circumstances without interference from conception thoughts.
Years in Martial Arts
Years in Westchester: Adults
Years in Westchester: Kids
People Served